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1984 VS Brave New World - Which Resembles Life?
984 VS Brave New World - Which Resembles Life?
Quote: (04-02-2015 04:42 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

I haven't read a brave new world, but comparing 2015 to 1984 is a stretch. Unless I missed the part about partying with sluts and spending oil money (while it lasts).

In 1984, the stated wanted to ensure reproduction, while preventing pair-bonding between couples. In our modern world the state's stumbled on to a better solution: import 3rd Worlders to replace the declining population, while distracting anybody who could get in their way with easy sex. This prevents pair bonding, and the sort of patriotism and sacrifice that comes from being an established family man with his own business and children to worry about.

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