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London Observations

London Observations

Cheers for the feedback gadabout/Constitution45

Quote: (04-01-2015 07:32 AM)gadabout Wrote:  

I have been living on and off in London & Europe for years. Since ditching the night life, London is now my home.

Interesting. Have you ditched the night life entirely? Or do you just limit it to hitting a few local pubs/bars early doors to talk to a few girls and leave once the thirst brigade manage to get enough dutch courage built up.

I suspect I won't be bothered much with the nightlife myself bar the occasional nights here and there. I can see it will be just too much hassle and expense for the return in fun/women. Although I do like my big nights out so there will be withdrawl symptoms there. But am planning on flying back up to Glasgow or head over to Europe for a big weekend jaunt once or twice a month.

Quote: (04-01-2015 07:32 AM)gadabout Wrote:  

Living alone in some EE shithole for the sole purpose of women and cheap rent started to turn me weird. It's a great adventure when you are young and hungry for it but I just stopped caring and starting to loose my sense of identity. I am considerably happier in London.

I get this also. I am 35 and noticing I have considerably less motivation for chasing pussy. Or to be specific, putting in unreasonable effort or making big sacrafices in living standards for pussy. For example I know I could move to Jakarta and get laid like a rockstar but frankly I couldn't stand that shithole for more than the occasional long weekend. The pre 30s me would definitely have been able to stand it. Not sure if it's just an age thing or the fact that I've since having got some quality bangs under my belt now the hunger to chase tail has mellowed somewhat.

Quote: (04-01-2015 07:50 AM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

I do have to say though, the competition in London is massive. Reasonably attractive sales assistants in Oxford high street will have bankers and top businessmen buying them expensive gifts without even dating them, just for the purposes of showing off. From friends and associates it looks like one of those situations where you either sink or float to the bottom.

I remember when I first moved to London, I was blown away by how thirsty and aggressive the guys were. Some would slit your throat for a 5. However I was a very different guy back then to the guy I am now. I had made a couple occasional trips back down there to visit friends. Although there was limited opportunity to game any girls, the little that I did confirmed for me that another stint in the city would yield much better results. How much better? I do not know but I am intruiged to see how I get on.

Another thing I wanted to bring up with the various London based players who have spent some extensive time in EE/SE Asia/LatAm: I recently noticed a London-esq level of nightgame competition and thirst from my recent time in Tokyo. But at the same time I felt both the combination of solid game, but in particular my lack of thirst definitely gave me some sort of edge over the other expats there. Consistently the chicks I spoke to and brought out on dates said that about me, that I appeared 'different' because I came across chill and didn't 'need it so badly'. I wasn't looking all around me for the next girl to pounce on, nor did I get right up in their face with my approach.

I put this down to having benefitted from living and travelling around SE Asia and having the reference experiences of swooping quality hot girls without having to fight tooth and nail for them. While the Tokyo expat bankers who likely had lived all their lives in the major hub cities were just used to battling for scraps. I definitely have a sense of entitlement, but it means I can hold my shit together when talking to a hot chick and don't take any nonsense from her. While comparatively most of the other guys there would give off the vibe that they would eat her shit.

I'm not sure if this is a phenomenon any of you have noticed in London? ie Do you consistently get feedback from girls that you are different from the thirsty hoard? As they sense you are used to dealing with superior women (from EE/Asia/LatAm etc)


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