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Arms weaker than rest of body

Arms weaker than rest of body

Thanks for the info guys. Background info, 5'9'' 135lbs vegetarian (been for life), been going to gym now for 2 months. I down double protein shakes, and weight gainer. Trying to up food intake. cereal for breakfast with whey protein in it, buffet lunch, and dinner at chipotle/moes/ homemade meal of beans.
I need to step up breakfast amount, what else would you add?

Getting bench up to 185lb is going to take forever, definitely need to hit arms more. wrist size is 6.7''.

Will doing pushups and chinups on off days affect my lifting days since im hitting the same muscle group?

Also row machine sounds good, ive been doing backrows on the weight machine. I like the ladder suggestion given though i'd prob start at a higher weight in interest of time, or decreasing ladder?

What are some routines you would use to hit Arms (tris, bis, forarms), shoulders, and chest? I've got dips, shoulder presses, reverse grip pulleys, tri pull downs.
I honestly feel like bench and squat (I do them first) are tiring me out with less gains so once I hit the volume stuff for arms my body is already spent. Would you say to completely knock the big lifts off or still do it?

Also do you guys recommend working out through Doms? I worked out Tues, rest wed, muscles still hurt thurs. Do I wait till Friday or push through today?

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