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Arms weaker than rest of body

Arms weaker than rest of body

I'm the opposite of the majority of guys in this thread being chest/arm dominant and stuck with skinny white boy legs.

Several points:
-You don't need to workout every day to get jacked. But you might as well be doing something on your days off from the gym. I'd recommend bodyweight exercises as you can do them anywhere and they often give you a functional strength/tone that weights don't. Do several sets of push ups/bench dips/chin ups. Remember that your arms are 2/3 triceps by volume. Don't neglect them.
-EAT. You're doing yourself a disservice and slowing down gains by not consuming more calories.
-Forced reps. I know starting strength gives you a regiment of compound lifts (3x5, 1x5...) but why not do forced reps atleast on the auxiliary exercises. If you fail at the 5th rep, pause a few seconds and squeeze out a few more reps. Or just add more volume.

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