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Injury from Arm-Wrestling

Injury from Arm-Wrestling

Back when I was drinking a lot, I'd always find myself arm-wrestling in the bars.

When I fell off the wagon the N.Y.E. before last, I ended up arm-wrestling some giant Scottish guy that looked big enough to play pro basketball. Not sure what I was thinking but I refused to give up though I was clearly already done, and the guy remarked afterward that he was impressed by my tenacity but that he'd thought my arm was going to break.

My arm has never been quite the same. I gave it a month or so off after that and then came back timidly before falling off completely and then didn't work out for a long time. It has been well over a year now (the majority of this time I was not working out) and it still gives me pain sometimes when I lift. Regular curls really fuck with it - for some reason curls with the parallel handles are no problem, so I usually do this.

And arm wrestling people is now out of the question - when I was still drinking I made that mistake a few times and quickly regretted it.

Anyways, it seemed like it was getting a little better in December when my pullups were getting a lot stronger, but then I slacked a lot for a month after a hand injury (didn't stop going, just went less) and have finally gotten serious about it again earlier this month.

After the time eased back my arm just seems to be hurting more. I'm hoping it'll work itself out but at the same time I feel I should be leaving it alone and letting it heal like a normal person. But over a year and it still hasn't healed. Damn. Don't know if time off will do it either - at least not with some serious time off the elbow.

I have a goal of muscleups this year and beginning to wonder if I'll make it because right now it's definitely slowing me down. I may have to focus on other things in the gym and take the pullups a bit slower, unfortunately.

Anyone have experience with this type of injury? I must have gotten a hairline fracture or something. Maybe an x-ray or a visit to a physical therapist wouldn't hurt. In any case, there's still plenty I can do that doesn't aggravate it.

I don't know what I expect out of this post. I'm sure the general advice here is bro you've got to let it heal. I'm trying to rack my brain to figure out if it really felt that much better in December. I don't remember it bothering me much at all but can't think of anything I did to hurt it again other than easing up on the visits to the gym for a while.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

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