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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-04-2015 05:49 PM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

First off, how are you getting these numbers? Daygame? Clubs? Online dating? Tinder?
These are all factors in whether or not she will be interested and for how long.

To break down those fifteen numbers, mostly day-game:
3 coffee shops (1 date, 1 reply not interested, 1 no resp)
3 grocery store (1 text but ignored offer twice to hang out, 1 reply not interested, 1 tbd)
2 bus (1 no resp, 1 put off meeting until morning she was leaving town)
2 crowded bars on sat (no resp)
1 empty bar on sunday (no resp)
1 friend's party (date)
1 dinner adjacent table (no resp)
1 waitress (tbd)
1 at a conference (tbd)

Hey guys props to everyone who took the time to write.

I'm probably going to stick with the cocky-funny line, which I inadvertently didn't include in the initial post.
  • What’s up? You’re already playing hard to get? Nice. Write me. (from linked thread in original post, originally David de Angelo)
I also like the ideas: calling out of the blue a few days later, "sending funny texts/restart texts/spam texts", a hail mary "im not too busy to swing a drink tonight", calling her the wrong name a few weeks later, send an honest text - care to elaborate what "honest text" means?

follow up question: any funny texts/spam texts/restart texts you guys have used with success?

Thanks again to all. A lot of respect for guys like Tuthmosis for taking time to contribute.

Why not invite them to Dubai ...
"hey want to go to dubai for free and get $50,000 to do so"
to see what she responds.

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:02 AM)Suits Wrote:  
If you're serious about self improvement and make real effort, this forum will always have your back.

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