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Feminists are trying to take over Wikipedia

Feminists are trying to take over Wikipedia

I have said it in a few other posts but the thing that still amazes me is that there is funding for this. I understand how NOW and other feminist organizations fleece the purse strings of taxpayers with lobbyists but private companies paying for this shit just blows my mind. Wikipedia doesn't even make any money but some how they raised enough money to hire people to do those banners and artwork?

Where is the money coming from? Is there some sort of tax write off that companies can use? I really don't get it.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

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