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Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Ohio Teen Flies 7,000 Miles, Gets Rejected by Woman and Almost Freezes to Death

Quote: (03-05-2015 07:48 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Truth is, the whole story would be an excellent plot for a modest movie that could be very good. It would start off like a would-be romcom with this kid's online connection with this fake Chinese beauty and his crazy unannounced flight to Zhejiang... but then the cunt's rejection and cruelty would come very early -- surprisingly early -- and the heart of the movie would be those desperate and unforgettable self-pitying youngest drinks in a foreign dump of a city -- the camera would love that Zhejiang dive bar and its whiskeys and beers, the intensity of a young black kid's forlornness and drunkenness in the middle of it -- then being saved by the Chinese cops by the riverbank and the recuperation in that hospital... the surprising and unforeseen humanity and generosity of the men around him who bring him back to life.

Of course being a movie it would have to end with him meeting a good and genuine Chinese girl on the flight back... and that's OK too because life must go on and pussy must be served at some point. But there could be some truth and beauty and memorable moments at the heart of the movie. A Chinese-American co-production a decade or two before the great War. Call it "Jiangshan Story".

You mean WW1 or WW3 that's coming?

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson

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