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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-04-2015 06:14 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Guys we can't just next indiscriminately like it's TV commercials. Sure, don't be needy, go out and game other girls and absolutely don't let her be your only number.

But don't just "next" her. Don't give a shit whether or not you can get her out anymore, but use her as target practice. Send funny texts, restart text, spam text, have fun with it with NO OUTCOME ATTACHMENT.

Like Gio said, if everyone just gave up after 2nd try, not a lot of shit would get done.

I don't know. I don't see that a girl who's basically already 'next'ed you has much value as target practice.

Maybe there's a 1 in a 100 chance that you could use some gimmick to reignite some semblance of interest.
Didn't Roissy once recommend waiting a couple of weeks and then sending another text, using the wrong name for the girl? I kind of like that one. If I had to recommend any follow up text to getting ignored, it'd be that. Just

'hey stacey how are you'

See if you get a bite from her ego.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

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