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What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)


What do you think would happen if he popped a member of the most privileged class in America right in the face for being a hateful bully?

I'll be honest: I didn't watch the video before I made my comment and didn't realize it was a girl. The thread title just reminded me of my Indian buddy and an incident I witnessed.

After watching the video, if it was a girl, I would tell my kid to immediately insult her back and make sure everyone heard it. But use really funny insults and try to get everybody laughing and on your side.

Stand up and face her and say very loudly,

"Yeah, well, she's so white you know what she makes for dinner? RESERVATIONS."

"You're so fat when you get on the scale it just says, "GOD DAMN!"

I'd make sure he had about 20 really good ones locked and loaded to unleash on her when the time was right. 100% he could get a bunch of rowdy kids on his side.

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