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KsockZ First Trip to SEA Feb 2015 DATASHEET

KsockZ First Trip to SEA Feb 2015 DATASHEET

KsockZ First Trip to SEA Feb 2015 DATASHEET

There's tons of info already on SEA and nothing in this datasheet will be ground breaking. But I wanted to share my experience as it truly was an experience of a lifetime for me and opened my eyes.

Little about me, I'm early 30s, white, bald, green eyes, little over 6' and hover between 230-240lbs. Although I carry extra BF (22-25%) I'm well put together and many girls say I look like either: Pitbull, Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis, and or Jason Statham. I dress sharp, nice shoes, nice fitted jeans, and either v-necks or button down during the day and button down and/or sport coat/blazer at night.

I love traveling, and for the last year and half have been going everywhere I can, time and money permitted. Some places I've gone to in that time frame: Hong Kong/Macau, Panama, Chile, Cabo, Colombia, DR, And Mexico City. Years ago, I also spent a lot of time in Japan, about 2.5 months total. However this past year it's been different. I finally got into the gym, dropped tons of BF, gained a ton of muscle, studied and applied game, improved my style and adopted a general IDGF attitude.

Enough about me, I'll get into the trip. I was able to get 18 days off work and had enough points on AA to book this trip. Fisto and his thread about invading SEA was my main inspiration for going on the trip that I did. He also pushed me to write this datasheet rather then just posting on existing threads.

I decided that I would be super flexible with this trip and play everything by ear, only thing set in stone was that I would fly into Bangkok and fly home from Manila. I wanted to possibly hit several other cities/countries in between but I didn't want to spread my time too thin in each location.


I arrived to BKK late Saturday night and took a taxi from airport to my hotel. I wasn't all that sure where to stay in BKK and ended up booking a room from AirBnB for about $40 usd a night. Turns out I really disliked the area, Soi Nana off of Sukhumvit. This area is littered with hookers, ladyboys bar girls. Really gave me a bad taste of Bangkok, that I never really got over.

To me, Bangkok was way too commercial and way too many foreigners. Granted I only spent 5 days there, I couldn't wait to get out. That being said I know there's a ton more to experience and I can't write it off completely. I was just in the wrong areas.

The food in Thailand was amazing, and for that reason alone I would want to give it a 2nd chance. My last night I was in town, I took a ride over to the RCA and partied in Route 66. This was a saving grace for me, It was pretty awesome. Tons of Thais and non working girls. I was able to actually talk to some pretty non hooker locals there. Although I didn't pull, I was close at getting a sexy little 22 year old out but I couldn't get it done.

I made it a point to hit a local CrossFit gym while I was in town and got several workouts in. Must say everyone was cool and really nice, welcomed me in with open arms.

I also made contacts with a tailor prior to arriving. This particular tailor has a reseller program and we discussed the business aspect of custom suits and shirts and had several made for myself. They turned out really dope and Im stoked with the outcome, I, currently seeking out someone to build me a website and I will hopefully start a side custom suit business in the very near future?

Online game: I ended with 3 notched in BKK and all 3 came from online. I met some chicks at night and bunch during the day but wasn't able to make anything happen from those leads. All 3 online chicks were super simple, met at a bar near my hotel, had a drink or coffee and brought back to room.

The last girl in Bangkok ended up being a bar girl who happened to work right by my hotel. I stopped by and said hi to her on the way out 1 night, she was shy and visibly intimidated by my large size and tattoos. But I could tell she wanted the Delta and we made loose plans to "hang out" after her shift. The night went on, I had a few beers and checked out a ton of places, nothing really worth mentioning. On the way back to my hotel, she hits me up and tells me she's getting off and wanted to see me, but there was a problem and that she was on her period. I said that's fine, I don't have sex on "first dates" anyways. Long story short, got her to my room, and fucked her in my shower within about 30 minutes. Not my proudest moment but I wasn't gonna pass on an easy notch as I was all about the notches this trip.

After I picked up my suits from the tailor, I booked a flight from his office and had him drop me off at the airport. It was off to Jakarta.


Pipelined a bit and had several chicks who wanted to meet prior to arriving in Jakarta. One of the girls suggested I stay in Sudirman area, after a quick search it seemed like an OK area and I booked a room for several nights from agoda.

Forum member Ali suggested that I bypass the BS airport taxis and wait in the BlueBird line and take a metered taxi. Good advice as the airport taxis are always a ripoff. As I was approving my hotel, I started getting doubts about this city and the location I landed on. Super poor and looked like little shanty huts and shacks all around my hotel, however once I entered the gates of my hotel, it was nice. I did not walk anywhere in Jakarta, it was BB taxis and Uber everywhere I went.

I was exhausted the night I arrived and ended up staying in my room. I attempted to get both my online girls over with no luck, and I fired up Tools for Tinder and had like a million matches within a few hours, but wasn't able to get anyone to hang out that first night. Got some much needed rest and set up a lunch date for the following afternoon.

Next day I woke up fresh and ready to go, had several hours to kill prior to my date so I grabbed some street food and headed over to the CrossFit gym to get some training in. Turns out the head coach was one of the sexiest girls I ever met, and we hit it off pretty well from the git go. Unfortunately she ended up being married with several kids and I wasn't able to notch that. Although we exchanged numbers, FB, and invited me out for a girls night out.

After my workout, I grabbed another bite to eat and showered up and headed over to the mall to meet my date. The attention I received walking around that mall was incredible. Looks and stares and smiles and IOIs everywhere, was crazy. Grabbed a hand full of numbers and went to meet my date. She was nice enough to get me. local SIM for my iPhone so I had comma for a few days. I bounced her from the coffee shop to a wine lounge where I escalated properly and easily bounced her to my room. Funny story happened, as I had booked one of my online chicks to meet around 7pm, at my hotel. It was only about 530 or so, so I had plenty of time to bang and get her out before meeting the 2nd girl. Well as I'm walking in with my arm around my date, my 2nd date is sitting there in the lobby waiting for me almost 2 hours early. Whoops, that caused some drama and I almost felt a little bad for that poor girl. But I passed by her un fazed, ushered my date into the elevator without her knowing about the other girl and took her to my room and gained my Indonesian flag.

After booting her out of my room, I showered up and met up with RVF member "Ali". Ali met me over at the mall and we had a beer at Hard Rock before heading out to the clubs. He said he had a chick a one spot and suggested we head over there. Place ended up being bunk but we grabbed his chick and headed to X2. This spot was pretty dope, was basically 3 clubs in 1 with different music in each location. We walked in and instantly grabbed a group of 3 chicks who were with a dude and started chatting and dancing. The girl I was talking with started to bore me and lost interest, meanwhile Ali grabbed a 2 set and introduced my to a sexy little doe eyed girl and we ended up kicking it the rest of the evening. I was having fun and introduced myself as "Vin" and rolled with that all night. Reason that's kinda funny is while I was smashing this pretty little girl, she starting moaning "vin vin, oh vin, fuck me" and I totally forgot and was like wtf, but then I remembered and laughed to myself while a dug deep. She stayed until around 5-6 in the morning and I got a few hours of sleep before jumping up and heading to the CF gym. I told the sexy training that I would be her partner for the V day partner WoD. I was tired and hung over but I had to try to bang this chick. Turns out, her husband and kids were there and made my feel guilty and I never followed up on her invite for later that evening.

Later that day, (Saturday night) I had another date, I was hungry and wanted to eat all you could eat shabu shabu. Met my new chick there, hit it off well, enjoyed lunch/dinner and without asking, took her back to my room and fucked her silly. For the 3rd notch in less then about 28 hours. After kicking her out, I showered up and threw on a suit. I wanted to check out one of the tall high rise bars, and grab a drink before going to the club. Ended up going to dragonfly, had a decent time, met a sexy 20 year old, and then had an online chick meet me there. Was kinda weird situation and I left her, and went back to my room alone. Got some sleep and packed cause I was heading to Manila in the morning.

All and all Jakarta was dope, I didn't really feel all the comfortable with the whole Muslim vibe over there and pray music throughout the city, but I would absolutely return there, as the chicks were super sexy and incredibly easy.


Finally I arrived to my last stop, the place I was most looking forward to. Manila and Philippines did not disappoint. For whoever says the good times are over in Manila, are crazy and or Wow, I can't imagine what it was like before. I killed it in MNL, and I loved it!

I was recommended to get a spot in Makati, so that's what I did. When I first arrived I had nightmare flashbacks of Bangkok as My taxi pulled into my hotel. It was in the middle of the red light district, hookers, lady boys, massage parlor, and strip clubs everywhere. Glad I only booked 2 nights there, I couldn't get out of there soon enough. I was still able to get 2 chicks over to that scummy area and secured my PI flag and a follow up by a sexy young 19 year old. The flag came from an older chick in her late 30s and she reminded my of a coworker. She was fun and even rololayed about being my married coworker and pretended to fuck me in the bathroom of our break room, was fun. Had a great welcome to Manila.

I won't talk about each notch as there was 8 of them in 7 days in Manila. Was so incredibly easy and the girls were all sexy. I can see why so many guys love going there and spending so much time. I liked it so much I looked into and am still considering buying a high rise condo unit there. Hopefully get it paid off after several years and forever have a place to go for the rest of my life. I could see myself retiring in a country like the Philippines.

I spent a lot of time around the Greenbelt, area is huge, tons of shops, restaurants, bars, cafés, etc. One cool place I went to was called Viktor Jeans. It's in greenbelt 5 on the 2nd level. They make custom made jeans, and specialize in Raw Japanese Selvedge Denim. I had a pair made and they turned out awesome, extremely happy with them and cost 6500 pesos ~150usd.

The formula in SEA was simple. Show up, have some style, open your mouth, game hard online, invite for quick dates at bar/cafe/ice cream, and bounce back to room, notch. I encountered very little LMR, Of the 18 girls I got back to my room, I fucked 14 of the. One was with a friend and I made them leave, 1 was a prude and I couldn't get to break, another was on her period and would not go into the shower, and the 4th I just did a bad job at gaming and my frame was never right from the beginning. Manila is a badass city, there's tons more I want to see and do. Looks like I'll be booking another trip there next year.

Final stats:
Bangkok: 3 in 5 days
Jakarta: 3 in 3 days
Manila: 8 in 7 days
14 notches total

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