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All-male workplaces

All-male workplaces

Quote: (02-19-2015 10:59 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Yeah, too often. It's sometimes tiring.

This morning I got called over on a short gig on a bigass luxury yacht.
A friend of mine is the boss at the place and he brought me in to the coffee room where maybe 50 guys and 5 women were sitting

"Gentlemen, let me introduce to you my good friend Chaos!
He is gonna be around here a few days so please say hi to him but do not shake his hand.
He just came back from Asia with a bunch of new STD's that nobody have seen here before"

He's a "friend," but that was a dominance display because he's the boss, right? I've become much more aware of power and covert hostility displays over the years. I distanced myself from some guys who were too free and indiscriminate in their talk about me.

Really, true friends don't embarrass you too much in public. I'm not saying dump the guy or even call him out but be aware.

I had a lot of all male workplaces in the military and also in law practice. The problem with male workplaces is dominance displays and struggles, but at least they are open. With women, you have more backstabbing and passive aggression.

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