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All-male workplaces

All-male workplaces

Right after HS, during the summer before college my old man thought it would be a good idea if I got some real world work experience working as an asphalt worker

He had put in 33 years and had risen to the top of the food chain working for the public works department. It was only meant to be a summer gig to put some money in my pocket before going off to school, but looking back I can see he wanted me to not only learn hard work ethic, but also show me the 'other side of the game'

As a temp, with no experience and at the bottom of the totem pole you can double as part gopher/grunt labor/personal assistant

These were real men, with real lives and real stories. Just from rubbing shoulders with them and having a glimpse into how they went about their business day in and day out professionally and with dignity still is one my life's most valuable lessons.

That summer they got cheap labor, but I recieved invaluable life lessons


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