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What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 04:35 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If I was captured by these black hood wearing Islamic extremists, I would assume I'm as good as dead, especially when they see that I'm an American and beheading an American or Israeli would be the ultimate prize for these guys.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well just fight back any way that I can. If I'm lucky, they may shoot me and end it right there. That's better than being put in a cage and set on fire. Not only is that the most awful way imaginable to die, I don't want people's last memory of me being a charred, smoking corpse captured in painstaking HD detail.

They would not capture or behead an Israeli.
ISIS and the Mossad are besties. Israel played a leading role in creating and encouraging ISIS.
Ever wonder why ISIS has done just about everything brutal they can come up with to various religions, ethnic groups, citizens of foreign countries, etc....but has yet to even try to hurt a single Jew or declare solidarity with Hamas or anything like that?

[Image: XlZyKF2.gif]

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

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