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What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

If you are dealing with ISIS you are almost guaranteed fucked/going to die. With other groups your chances of survival or escape are higher but still not something you ever want to end up happening to you.

A great show that shows several people who have gotten kidnapped and survived or escaped is Locked Up Abroad. A great episode is Glen Heggstad's story where he was kidnapped by a rebel group in Colombia. I won't spoil what happens but it was smart.

As for myself, as mentioned above, during any kidnapped they will break you and I know I would break too... probably really easily. There are a bunch of different things you can do to improve your chances. Analyze your situation: can I escape? what if I go along with them? what if I don't? can I befriend one of the captors? can I obtain tools to aid in an escape? can I exploit a weakness in their security?

Just observing the captors you can potentially find weaknesses in their system. For example, perhaps you are being held by a group of about 50 guys and you observe that at 4AM at night all but 3 guys sleep. Obviously it's easier to slip by 3 guys than 50 so if you find a way to break free from your handcuffs or whatever then you leave at 4AM. So then your next step is to think about unlocking/breaking free yourself. So you spend your time figuring out possible ways to do that. It's like a puzzle and the prize is your life.

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