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What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

What would you do if kidnapped by terrorists?

Quote: (02-16-2015 12:16 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

Refusing food and water doesn't guarantee a quick death either as they could force feed you. However, it would certainly serve as a pain in the arse for your captors which is precisely what I'd want to be.

Actually, it would be a pain in the arse for you.
The Islamists are fond of retribution (as they perceive it) for what the US and its allies do. The orange jumpsuits are a tribute to Guantanamo, and the water boarding they now use is the same.
So, thanks to the "rectal hydration" of detainees by the CIA and others that was recently revealed, we can now expect western hostages and captured soldiers to be force fed with a tube up their butt.

Also, while there is a lot of bullshit in the Homeland tv series, there was one quote from Brody that hit the nail on the head. Brody is a former US soldier who was captured and turned into a Islamist operative after extreme torture...he later redeems himself.
So, Brody and this special forces operative cross into Iran on a mission and get caught. The guy wants to know what they are in for. The guy says to Brody, “you were tortured,tell me what to expect.”
Brody’s answer: “Expect to break.”

I know everyone thinks they are some tough guy. But it comes down to biology. You will break under torture or the threat of it.
And there are things much much worse than reading some bullshit and then getting a quick beheading. So really, all they have to do is fuck with you a bit, and then make it clear that you put on the orange jumpsuit or you get partially disemboweled and have animals eat your intestines while you watch and struggle or something like that.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

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