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Article about Roosh in The New Republic

Article about Roosh in The New Republic

Quote: (02-08-2015 08:56 AM)bacan Wrote:  

I like how she linked this article saying women do more of the emotional work in relationships but if you read it the while article just talks about how women are more likely to end marriages, end relationships, and recover from the termination of relationships quicker and be less emotionally dependent on their male partners. Basically they are just cold and heartless (source: bacan's personal interpretation). But the last paragraph is where the author surmises (without citations) that maybe there should be more a equal division of emotional labor.

That Psychology Today is science confirming the Red Pill.

The Misandry Bubble:


A woman may be attracted to only one man at any given time, but as the status and fortune of various men fluctuates, a woman's attention may shift from a declining man to an ascendant man. There is significant turnover in the ranks of alpha males, which women are acutely aware of.

As a result, women are the first to want into a monogamous relationship, and the first to want out. This is neither right nor wrong, merely natural. What is wrong, however, is the cultural and societal pressure to shame men into committing to marriage under the pretense that they are 'afraid of commitment' due to some 'Peter Pan complex', while there is no longer the corresponding traditional shame that was reserved for women who destroyed the marriage, despite the fact that 90% of divorces are initiated by women. Furthermore, when women destroy the commitment, there is great harm to children, and the woman demands present and future payments from the man she is abandoning. A man who refuses to marry is neither harming innocent minors nor expecting years of payments from the woman. This absurd double standard has invisible but major costs to society.

Men often get the label of being "afraid of commitment", because society now defines commitment the way women think of commitment (the willingness to get married) as opposed to the way men think of commitment (the willingness to stay married).

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