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Article about Roosh in The New Republic

Article about Roosh in The New Republic

What an article, devoid of any critical thinking and basic economy.

"Marriage can actually intensify financial risk"

True if you're a man. Nothing sends you down the gutter quicker than a woman who has massive debt, loves spending money and doesn't want to downsize for living purposes. Kids are an even greater financial risk for a guy.

"If welfare income is wrong because it reduces women’s dependency upon their spouses and thereby undermines marriage, then any income is equally dangerous to the American family"

Wow, I can't even.

"In fact, the idea that marriage is such a financial lifejacket for women that they must be forced into via the threat of poverty lest they revert to nasty instincts is somewhat typical of the pro-family right"

Lifejacket if they want or have kids, which brings us to the next point.

"Roosh’s suspicion of women’s work and education carries over to conservative mistrust of welfare used by women because both camps believe female independence undermines American families"

Female independence Har Har. They wouldn't stay independent for long if all that tax money stopped flowing into their hands. Women have safety nets for their mistakes. All critical thinking and self preservation go out of the window when they have daddy government for hand outs and divorce rape.

"Of course, rather than focusing on trying to cattle-prod women into marriage with the threat of poverty, we could always focus on the reasons women leave relationships, such as the asymmetrical division of emotional labor"

That's right gents hamster labor. That's why women leave, not because they get away with half the guys hard earned money and follow their tingles risk free.

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