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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 10:33 PM)Stun Wrote:  

Meh. You might call it sour grapes on my part but they aren't posting the dozens if not hundreds of chicks that told these guys to fuck off. It's 100% just as much a numbers game for genetic studs, but they will bang 1/10 girls vs 1/100 for mr avg

I don't know man. I agree there are gonna be girls that tell the dudes to fuck off, but if you've ever filled a niche for a girl, you'd know that it's very hard to fuck things up when she's that physically attracted to you. Even if you're some scrawny, nerdy looking dude - there will be a girl out there who will be into that type of dude, and it's basically don't fuck it up game from there.

So if you're classically masculine and attractive by today's standards of beauty - tall, white, in good to great shape, chiseled jaw, five o clock shadow, great head of hair, green or blue eyes - you're playing don't fuck it up game with the majority of women.

I would bump that 1/10 to at least 5/10, maybe more. Don't forget second chances. If a hot guy opened with a really shitty opener, and the girl was apprehensive, he could say "lol damn girl I was just messing around (emoji)"

He could turn things around with a correction.

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