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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:03 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Ummm.... to state the obvious in many parts of the world a lot of girls have a "i will not go directly to the house of a man i have never met in real life because he might kill me" rule. In my experience this is usually something that no amount of comfort building over text or the phone will fix.

Up the attraction and comfort building. Every girl has a level they need to hit. I work in 1st to 5th tier cities and of the girls who I propose a meetup at the house or hotel to when it makes sense logistically (which to be fair is less than half of them), more than half are good with it. It's even easier in a place without public transit, once you get her location you can frame it as inviting her to a place where she would be driving near you anyway so she can stop in and you can "carpool from there". Usually we do go out so I only pull true ZDBs infrequently but they do come over. I hope to be have a +1 soon that sets some records for ZDB distance, will post screens if it happens.

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