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Why You Should Have Only 3 Things In Mind When Looking For Love

Why You Should Have Only 3 Things In Mind When Looking For Love

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:21 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

The video is stupid and PC. Tell you why. True that WOMEN should have only 3 or fewer things in mind when looking for ''love'', as they so politically correctly put it, meaning nothing else than marriage. But only women. Not men.

To assume then men should be as little selective as women should be in order to get married is ludicrous. It's women's goal to get married. Men's goal is to get laid while avoiding marriage for as long as possible. Evolutionary biology confirms this. 'Spread the seeds' goal vs 'protect your offspring' goal.

Therefore, men should have as many things in mind as possible in order to avoid marrying anyone who is ANY LESS worth then what he is entitled to. Telling men they should have only 3 criteria assumes that men are so desperate for marriage. They are not. If as a man you are desperate for marriage, then go marry a 1) Intelligent 2) Successful 3) Funny beast. I will set my standards for marriage to near impossible so that I will enjoy the fruits of the bachelor life for as long as possible and settle for no less than a perfect woman.

If I don't meet her, fine. I'm fine with being single all my life, for as long as the pussy flow keeps flowing. If I'm getting laid, I will NEVER feel lonely. As for dying alone, make no mistake, we're all gonna die alone.

My criterias:
1) Beautiful
2) Beautiful. I want a 180m girl who weighs 50 kilos, has blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect legs, fair skin. I don't care if she has boobs or ass, her body can look like a pencil for all I care, but she must have long skinny legs.
3) Beauty is really all that matters. Anything less than a 9/10 is a dealbreaker for marriage.
4) Femininity: long hair, high heels, tight clothes, polished nails, household skills, traditional mindset, pleasing behavior, submissive attitude, no talking back, no smoking, no cursing, no piercings&tattoos, not 1 extra kilo in her body.
5) Dick count between 2 and 4 before me. No previous sex partners other than long term boyfriends.
6) Traditional background. Raised in a traditional slavic family, never heard of feminism, never heard of 'strong women'.
7) She is preferably stupid for her own sake. Smart girls are uppity. I hate uppity.

She might literally be impossible to find in 21st century. So be it. Who cares? I'm not gonna end up with 50 cats if I choose not to get married. And if you are a lone wolf by nature, you should never make marriage your life purpose. Otherwise you are taking your manhood for granted.

This forum is a bukkake of wisdom. MOAR!

[Image: potd.gif]

Deus vult!

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