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Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

No offense, but one of the more puzzling aspects of asian-americans and other westernized asians is that you guys tend to go to places where you are considered low tier shit and you get beat down. These places seem obvious but yet it's like a moth to flame. There are self destructive tendencies involved. There's some psychological issues there that need to be addressed first and foremost. A lot of this is due to obvious asian parenting and low self worth appraisal. A lot of it I feel is lack of personal development. I wasn't raised with this but I understand it from people I know.

You should seek and realize goals that are congruent and necessary to your immediate satisfaction. The constant masochistic need to get beat down should not be internalized as the norm.

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