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Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Poland, Romania, Moldova, and the Ukraine

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

Hi, I’ve read some of the threads on this site and you guys seem really helpful and so I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions on which countries in Europe that would be good for me to study abroad in and also to meet girls. Note, I am not choosing a location based solely on the women, it’s just a plus I would like to have, a really big plus.

I’m in college in the U.S. right now and studied abroad last semester in London. In general, the British women seemed to have something against Americans and/or Asians and I didn’t find them all too attractive mostly due to their attitudes, so it was a lose-lose situation. The girls that I went after were all girls from Eastern Europe or South America that I met in the apartment complex I was staying in who were studying at local universities. These girls had phenomenal personalities and opened my eyes to how bitchy American girls are compared to the feminine, sweet/caring Eastern European ones. In my eyes, these Eastern European women valued themselves below what I thought they were worth, the opposite seems to apply to a lot of American women who expect to be treated like princesses and play mind games with men. Of course I am just talking averages based on my minimal observations and what I have read in other forums and am making a sweeping generalization. But that’s what I want, I want to know about the averages in other countries, the average type of personality, etc.

I’m plan on studying abroad again in Europe, but this time, I want to go to a country where being an Asian-American will either be a plus or at least make me average when it comes to picking up girls; I just don’t want to be seen in a negative light. In America for example, the white girls I hook up with are at first are hesitant about approaching me or whatever because they don’t meet a lot of Asians and because I don’t fit the typical tall white guy stereotype found at my school (Their words not mine). Basically my question is, in which countries have you noticed or heard that the girls have a thing for Asian guys and girls from which countries might have a bad view of them. I’ve heard that outside of the U.S, Australia and the UK, an Asian dude’s chances increase exponentially with girls. I don’t fit the tall white guy mold which seems to be a requirement in some of these countries.

To describe myself, I am fairly good looking, dress well, am short unfortunately (5’6) but with a muscular/athletic build, I have pretty good game and personality wise, I am outgoing and sort of a “whitewashed” Asian, I hang out with white people, am in a fraternity and am confident. What separates me from the Asian stereotype is that unlike many that I notice on campus, I’m not a passive pushover. I’m assertive, maybe a bit arrogant, ruthlessly go after what I want, but a nice guy. I’m pretty short so I am avoiding the countries where everyone is tall as hell.
I’m looking to pick up girls yeah, but ideally I want an exotic girlfriend while I’m abroad, I dated a girl from Turkey while in London but the timing didn’t work out. All my friends know that exotic girls are my thing but they are virtually nonexistent at my university so I have resorted to joining some of the race based student societies. Some of the more developed countries that I am considering are Spain, Italy, France, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. I speak Italian and Spanish conversationally so perhaps Spain/Italy would be a better place, but I don’t know, and was hoping you guys had some experience to share. I am also considering Eastern Europe because I want to actually integrate myself into the local culture and believe that it would be harder in a major city.

In terms of which cities, I have not decided obviously but basically the big cities, Barcelona/Madrid, Rome/Urbino, Paris, Belgrade, Slovenia, etc.
Sorry if I put too little or too much information, it’s my first post and if you need any more info I’ll get on it right away. The first time I studied abroad, I had a lot less bar/club game and so that screwed me over, I fucked up my first time around going to England, and can’t afford a second fuck up.

Thanks a lot guys.

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