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Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Killface, I'm not here to add fuel to the fire but I'll admit that I'm skeptical, however, I've seen in person how well some of the RVF Oil Sands Crew have done over the past couple of years, so I won't write you off although your claim to fame is quite audacious. I'm seriously considering some real estate ventures in the near future as a means to gain passive income and would be interested in any intel you can provide, and that includes anyone else on this forum. I never expected anything in return for my 6 figures in 6 months thread and I still don't, but if any of you guys ever want to collaborate together on business ventures then I'm all ears. In the past three years since I wrote that thread, several RVF members have achieved things that I"m still dreaming about, some of these cunts have surpassed me in my own trade (you know how you are, fucker!). Of course, I wish them the best of luck and as a big believer in karma, I'm sure I'll get mine one day. Myself, I'm not so much into the internet based stuff or E-books, but if a few fellers wanted to get in on some real estate hustles, or eventually (I'm thinking a few years down the road) an oil field service company or contracting company, then I'm all ears. You guys know that the opportunity is there and by now, most of you have seen how achievable it is, if a few of us put our money and minds together, I'm sure we can make something happen.

My biggest doubt is how the fuck you cut so much body fat working in the patch, were you eating camp food or cooking your own? Either way, you must have been givin' er like a bat out of hell to cut so much fat and work such an intense schedule but it isn't unheard of as that crazy bastard Ferro from the oil sands thread worked a 14/7 hitch on the rigs while only consuming 1500 calories per day and I personally saw him and can vouch for those results, I hope your story is true.

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