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When are the London riots coming to the States?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

um i got my crime stats straight from the FBI website (i wasnt comparing cities....)

what does all those cities have in common? in that group there is strict gun law states/cities and lax ones.

this goes to show you that gun laws have NOTHING to do with violent crime rates.

it all comes down to the demographics of a place which is CLEARLY seen in just a quick glance at the cities with the highest crime rates. (poverty, ethnic makeup, ect) criminals will get guns regardless of what ever laws are in place.

but i dont expect you to realize that.

there is no conclusive evidence to show a direct link to gun laws and violent crimes (in the us) its the opposite in europe and other parts of the world.

we are just gonna have to agree to disagree on dis one.

we arent changing anyones minds anytime soon! lol

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