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Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-18-2014 01:02 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:52 AM)LaCobra Wrote:  

After katrina, Cuba offered to send doctors, USA refused.

Their doctors (which saved my life in El Salvador) are often more like physician assistants in the US.

Bush made a lot of mistakes during Katrina, not seizing the moment to engage in a little diplomacy was one of them.

Actually, come to think of it, Bush made a lot of mistakes during his entire presidency. Obama's been dealing with his shit this whole time. Nothing worse than a job where your main responsibility is fixing the shit your predecessor broke.

LOL, I agree with you. I pray for the next guy/girl because he/she will really have to clean up the mess of the last two presidencies.

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