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Is College really worth it?

Is College really worth it?

Do you want to work with your hands or in a cube?

I'm a 29 year old vet (0331) and decided the latter wasn't for me. It just wasn't. But, the grass isn't always greener as I'll lay out below, so really think this through. Since you're military I'm going to tell you a bit about the railroad. Or as I like to call it, "the oil field for people not in TX, ND, PA, LA"

I decided to take a job with the railroad as a Signalman (which I would recommend to any vet). The best way to describe being a railroader is: IT'S A FUCKING GRIND, PERIOD. Now this job has pluses and minuses which I'll lay out below and it's definitely not for everyone.


* 6 figure job. I know 6 figures isn't that much compared to what a lot of people pull down, but it's there for you if you want to put in the OT.

* ALL MEN. Out of the 200+ Signalmen in my company: NOT ONE WOMAN. They try to hire them all the time to meet BS quotas, but they can't cut it. They just can't. Starting out you'll be in a construction "gang," and it's A LOT of digging/laying cable/building/lifting and long hours outside in every weather condition. It reminds me of my days as an infantryman, other than the fact that most of my coworkers are out of shape.

* Can either work in a "gang" or as Signalman (maintainer) by yourself.

* Great time to get in because there's about to be a lot of men retiring (although they say the railroad has the most people who stay in past retirement out of any other industry, men get hooked), and they're going to have to hire A LOT of new men. Although it'll still be a good time to get in if you want finish your degree.

* Lot of Vets.

* Sense of pride and accomplishment after a day of building something with your crew. It's a brotherhood, it really is.

* RR (railroad) retirement. I also max out my 401k, so if you're smart and you do your 30 you can have both your 401k and get an amazing RR retirement. (Your wife gets paid too. she receives 1/2 of your pay in her own account).


* Maintainers are on call 24/7 (When you work construction in a "gang," you're not though).

* Long hours that take a toll on your body.

* Some men hide behind the union and are lazy cocksuckers.

You could finish your degree >> then come on as a signalman >> and then work your way into management. Being a vet and having a degree would open A LOT of doors in the RR.

There's also other non "tool" careers in the railroad to look at too. But I don't know what you're studying, etc. If you need any help or have any other questions, shoot me a pm.

Hang in there.

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