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Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Just putting a book in front of him, or trying to have an hour long talk, is a strategy with a low success percentage. Yes, he will need information to change, but he needs to be in a mind/body state where he is receptive to that change.
Does your friend work out? If he doesn't, the increased testosterone levels may make him more open to manning up and taking control of his life. Of course this should be combined with a natural diet, and an avoidance of bullshit supplements (99% of the stuff on the market).
A quick shortcut can be the adrenaline high from certain adventure sports like skydiving that don't require a high fitness level.
A somewhat more risky shortcut (a small percentage of people can have severe adverse psychiatric reactions and activate underlying mental illness), but one which I am personally in favor of, is to take a controlled dose of psilocybin mushrooms or LSD in a safe setting, preferably out in nature on a nice day.
I've come to the conclusion that humans in large part are big bags of chemicals...and if your body isn't primed the right way, it's much more difficult for ideas and habits to change.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

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