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Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-18-2014 12:21 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:47 AM)LaCobra Wrote:  

Who the fuck are you to tell any Sovereign Nation what to do?

I'm the fucking Wastelander.

Thanks for that, got a laugh. [Image: thumb.gif]

I think there was a deal to leave them alone after the Missile Crisis in return for taking the missiles out. Plus, the USA was busy in Vietnam for years, then in the Middle East.

Five RT flights a day from Miami to Havana will bring that regime down pretty quickly. Just the cash flow alone.

They might already be talking about some transition behind the scenes. Raul could end up making a name as the Gorbachev of Cuba.

What's up with Fidel? He must be totally Al Z. Heimer now.

Business opportunity: Lease some ferry boats to take 1950s classics from Cuba, and import 2005 Toyota Corrollas and Honda Civics.

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