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The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (12-12-2014 12:02 AM)Condog Wrote:  

Rolling solo last Friday, approaching like a madman after hooking my wagon to a night out with a couple and their gay friends.

Managed to meet a girl at last call when the spins started to take hold. Somehow spat game at her, walked her 4-10 blocks home to her house in -15+ weather (Canada game).

Got her to write her name and number on a pad of paper I brought out w/ me after my attempts to weasel into her house were rebuffed

Texted her the Monday after, she seemed real stoked "Hey You! You're not dead! blah blah blah"

Set up a meet for tomorrow - Friday - at bar near her work. Said she'd swing by after her shift as a server ended ~10 PM

Get a text from her one hour ago: "Not sure if I'll make it out tmrw. I got invited to a party!"

Gonna keep text gaming her until I blow my wad/ see evidence that I should give up all hope; an immediate foreseeable occurrence.

Game sure came through on this one. Turns out she's a contemporary dancer, whatever that means in 2014.

Met her the next night, a saturday at a happening bar, rolling suited up (every. damn. time.) shot two pool games, beat her, had two drinks. walked next door to a smaller intimate venue, then Irish coffee and a piece of cake. Walked us to my car which was next to her place, got some MJ, rolled one up at hers.

After the cottonmouth subsided I fucked her for two hours, choked her, pulled hair smacked ass. Her being wet as Ol' Faithful and myself splooshing upon her face both times. She came. I pass out then wake up at 0730 after 90 mins of sleep and drive home. Also got a massage.

Tiny little girl, soft-spoken and acting feminine, sexual as fuck when getting rough in the bag however. Who knew?

Drinks = $50
Smokes/ Grass = $20 (had them anyway)
Time Taken = 5 hours in public, 4 in the bedroom

Lucky number 13.

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