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Mastering Getting Dumped

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (12-13-2014 04:42 PM)savvylurker Wrote:  

She slept over on a weeknight and I had to go to work early, and my apartment needs a key to lock the door so I let her sleep in and have an extra key.

After you busted, you should have let her know that you had to leave early for work the next morning, and you wouldn't want to disturb her sleep, so it's best for both of you if she sleeps in her own bed.

Look, we try to give consideration to these bitches, and look at what they do with it?

Her diss is to try to raise her value relative to yours, like oh we only fucked twice and I was drunk both times. Yeah bitch, well you still got fucked.

Don't allow that chick to make you feel bad at all, at the end of the day, you got what you wanted out of it, just make sure to dead the pillow talk and the consideration until a bitch earns them.

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