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I intentionally keep my wife poor -- to preserve our marriage

I intentionally keep my wife poor -- to preserve our marriage


Haha! Great advice! I dated a solid 8 who didn't like being told no. I told her no so many times because I don't have the money.

She hated it and broke up with me. Bang me a few times outside of the LTR and then asked for me back because I help keep her "grounded". I said no (3 times).

Saying no to a woman feels good.

True good points. But I am confused. If she is a girl you are dating why the fuck do you have to spend money on her? and why does she ask? sounds too much Greek Kamaki like lol.

OP story is different because he is with a life partner. But I relate in a way. I have about 2 million but I am frugal as shit! I know how women get spoiled and I always say NO. NO NO NO. My wife hates it..but god forbid I say yes. She has a tendency to want milk with her cookies. She gets her way she will try to get more..Ukrainian after all lol. So a NO policy is best!


Like how in EE, they would give more than what they take or demand..

Which part is that? In FSU they try to get everything they can from you lol.


Divorce would crush our children's hearts; they would never recover.

BS..wishful thinking. They would get over it. Especially after they hear they are each getting 1 million dollars. Most guys here would push their parents for a divorce is they would get a big monetary reward.

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