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Would this work? (Satrical suggestion to avoid false criminal accusations)

Would this work? (Satrical suggestion to avoid false criminal accusations)

Please note the following post is beyond acceptable levels of tl;dr.

Alright so I'm a twenty two year old dude, and after recently reading about the Matt Taylor shirt controversy, which I thought was otter feminist bullshit, I looked into feminism some more. Eventually I discovered how feminists advocate making all accused "rapists" automatically guilty by default. Not only did I learn that, but that the system was already implemented in numerous colleges across the country, although I have my doubts this will ever actually pass as a law.

However if it does I have figured out a way to basically, always have an alibi for any false accusation. Always be proven innocent of a false rape/sexual assault charge, and probably look like a creep while doing it, but apparently this is what the government and feminists want, so be it. I've always had a irrational fear of being accused of a crime I didn't commit and now I have a defense system.

Now let me say when I first formulated this system it was something I joked about in my head. As I had assumed I would never have to do it. Upon perusing the internet some more it seems as though it is likely that some states(certainly not all) may elect to change their policy's to better reflect "affirmative consent." Now some states have already correctly deemed that making a defendant guilty until proven innocent is a violation of the Constitution and the bill of rights, but wow the fact that some people think this is a good idea is crazy. This will make non feminist chick and most men riot as soon as they realize what this is and does. Men won't want to hook up anymore and these bills will be demonized, however in the mean time I have cooked up an interesting plan to avoid getting into trouble if you are ever accused of any crime you didn't commit, regardless of whether or not this bill passes.

My System:

Purchase the following products or something similar:

1. Two LED Calendar Clocks $180

2. RAID Data Storage(24 TB+) $2,150+

3. One indoor security camera with night vision and 720-1080p quality.

Alright so encase you couldn't infer what this does, it's basically a means of providing concrete evidence that you're not a criminal(given that you're not a criminal.) This thing could run all day everyday other than when you need to disconnect it, or interrupt the stream to perhaps clean the camera or compress the video down so it doesn't use up too much space. You would effectively need to make sure you always hold onto all of your recording footage to show that this thing has been running consecutively for months, or even years, and that the led time calender always has the correct date and time. One way of doing this is to make sure to have people over sometimes and show them the calender and shit, they shouldn't comment on it saying the date and time is wrong. This establishes the date and time is correct, and there's many other ways, but mostly all you need to do is leave the camera running as much as possible, and I would consider buying a backup camera as well.

This is helpful if you stay at home often and are ever accused of a crime, now "I was watching Netflix at home" normally doesn't work because no one can verify it, however if you then present them with a years worth of security footage(back ups) to show them you were there, suddenly you're proven innocent.

You effectively don't want the camera to be running off of a network online. You don't want anyone other than yourself to have access to said computer. This is a offline database of constant 24 hour surveillance of the interior of your house that only you have access to, like a nanny cam on steroids. Obviously this is going to use up space so in order to determine how you want to compress it down,and how much money you're willing to spend on space see the pdf down below. Seagate did a report on how much space is enough, depending on fps, quality, and the recording variable.

Also I cannot stress this enough...the camera must record audio as well for this system to work. If you're into BDSM and need a safeword the audio can show what was and wasn't said, what was and wasn't consensual, etc. I'm not sure how bdsm works with affirmative consent however I'm sure it won't matter, you'll have video/audio proof that everything was consensual and you followed through with the verbal agreement. This works with any sex act. Basically you could easily refer to your security footage and show what actually happened.

How do you do this with one camera?
Bring the camera into the bedroom with you, and mount it. Simple as that.

Major Flaws?

Yup, the chick is going to have to agree to your taping the entire thing, and you have to explain the LED calender clocks as well. Have fun with that one.

You could say that you have a phobia of false accusations, or that you record everything you do in your house for security reasons, like break ins, but it's probably best to be honest and say why you're really doing it. If a chick really digs you she won't mind you recording everything. I mean shit you could show her the computer is offline and that you won't release anything on the internet, because you'll also be in the video, etc, etc. Show her some compressed old footage and explain how even if someone, somehow manged to get a hold of the computer, they would have to know when we had sex to find the clip anyway. So technically you could say we're the only two people that could release the video online. Not that she will have the password. (DON'T LEAVE ANYONE ALONE IN THE ROOM WITH YOUR SURVEILLANCE COMPUTER)

I recommend putting the camera in your living room and leaving it there unless you're having sex, which is when you bring it into the bedroom, without disrupting the footage. The surveillance computer should be somewhere where no one will get at it. Either your bedroom or an extra bedroom that you can lock up. One LED calender clock goes in your bedroom, and the other goes in your living room, so you can always prove the date and time.

Every time you have sex backup your fucking files and hide them. If you're accused the police will seize your shit. It is illegal for them to withhold evidence(your security footage). So always backup your shit and keep your backup(maybe like a 1 TB external SSD with the past week on it or something) hidden, so your lawyer can get it later. Call me crazy but this couldn't possibly backfire.

The only other flaw I can possibly see is the fact that this makes you look like a creep unless you justify it by stating that you only use it to monitor break ins, and sexual activity to prove consent. Even then it sounds insane.

What's you take on this?

Good idea? Bad idea?

Would chicks think you're bat shit crazy?

IMO- This is the greatest system of all time.

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