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More Madness from Sverige

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-13-2014 02:48 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2014 12:36 PM)Krusyos Wrote:  

If society collapses and we must start again, one of the most important things to do would be to explicitly and clearly state that women are not permitted to hold office or vote, and that this particular provision is unable to be overturned by any amendment. Everything we are experiencing today is a direct result of women influencing politics with their oblivious and irrational choices.

I dislike such legislation even though it has a long historical precedence. I am all for a more traditional society, but against societies which discriminate based on factors that a person can't change. That isn't fair.

The solution is to restrict voting to people with 'skin in the game'. Tax paying, say at least 5 out of the last 10 years, serving in the military (reserve too) or having children supported by yourself (in wedlock).

You do that and the left will never win again. Study the numbers, it is overwhelmingly public sector, single women who vote the leftists in power.

You need people to vote because they are invested in society as a whole, not just to vote for marginal more utility for themselves.

This legislation is necessary. First of all, it reaffirms and codifies gender differences and basically is making a statement "We believe genders have different roles and purposes." Secondly, whenever it comes time to vote for someone, men will be reminded that it is their job to lead. Whenever they go to the voting center without their wives, they are reminded of their duty to their family, country, and civilization. The women is reminded that it is her job to advise her husband. Although she cannot vote, she can counsel her spouse and provide him support.

Your solution, while better than the current circumstance, still leaves a lot of room for anti-Western politicians to come into power. The vast majority of tax-paying women in careers would identify as feminist, or at least "equalists." While the number of careerwomen is bound to change as the government itself becomes more conservative, there will still remain many women who are feminists, and even more pissed off because of what they perceive as "anti-woman" legislation. By denying women the vote we are essentially saying, "Look, you had your shot. We let you vote and control public policy, and you ran our entire civilization into the ground. The only way to prevent this from happening again is, unfortunately, only letting men vote. Science confirms that men are supposed to be leaders. You tried to usurp the male gender role, and we all suffered for it."

The argument "she was born that way and so it is unfair" while nobly intentioned, is not logical. Nature, as interpreted by science, clearly tells us that men and women are meant for different purposes. All of society is based on the assumption that men will lead and women will support. The reason we are in this mess right now is because of the disregard of this mandate. By firmly encoding in our own, human laws the greater mandates of nature, we are making it incredibly hard for anyone to screw up society bad enough that we arrive back in our current predicament.

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