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Psoriasis - Living and Gaming

Psoriasis - Living and Gaming

Quote: (11-03-2014 02:08 PM)Seamus Wrote:  

Some really solid info in here, much appreciated. I've followed the links and started to implement some changes in my diet/lifestyle. I'm already in very good shape, but I've started experimenting with the anti-inflammatory diet and vitamin D supplementation, so hopefully I'll see some progress. I do unfortunately have a very stressful job, but there's not much I can do about that at the moment.

I am having a hard time reconciling how doom and gloom the dermatologist was when he diagnosed me ("this is incurable, you'll have it for life, nothing you can do") with some of the success stories I've read. Maybe it's that while I'll always have the underlying "disease", certain lifestyle changes will allow me to drastically reduce/eliminate the surface-level symptoms

While you are getting great suggestions here, beware as you research remedies off the forum that there are scum bags (modern day snake oil salesman) who pedal "cures" for people with chronic illnesses.
If you search, cure for (insert chronic illness), you will find many sites like these.
Never stop experimenting to find out what works and you might also find resources from a forum with others with your condition. Good luck!

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