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Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Quote: (11-03-2014 04:06 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Quote: (11-03-2014 03:58 PM)HeyPete Wrote:  

Uhh, no. Over 50 women are nasty. Sorry. Should've latched onto a man when you had a chance 15 years ago. Bitch.

The funny part is skanks like this could still pull down countless guys who are way out of their league if they followed these two suggestions.

1. Don't ruin the dude financially.
2. Don't make his life a fucking living hell.

It seems pretty easy to figure out. There are millions of single guys my dad's age out there recently divorced who aren't used to living alone looking to shack up again.

She actually looks better than some Kappa girls in my college. To her credit, she isn't fat and the second picture shows some wall survival. She can still latch an omega, rich beta or our buddy IRT. With that being said, over 50,

2/10 WNB

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