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Psoriasis - Living and Gaming

Psoriasis - Living and Gaming

Quote: (10-25-2014 06:41 PM)Ensam Wrote:  

I was taking 10,000/day.

That's enough, but rather that is what has been proven effective:


OMEGA-3 FISH OILS Around 300 to 1,000 milligrams of EPA daily is frequently recommended.
ZINC SUPPLEMENTATION A more sensible daily dose of 50 mg to perhaps 100 mg may be maintained for as long as is desired. A good multiple vitamin along with this will provide some balancing copper, as will (believe it or not) the copper water pipes in your home.
The skin is your largest and most visible organ. It is therefore a good indicator of health in general. Vitamin shortages are often indicated by skin problems. Classic clinical deficiencies of riboflavin (B-2), niacin (B-3), vitamin A and vitamin C all result in skin disease. At the very least, psoriasis patients should be urged to take a good multivitamin daily. Everyone knows that it can't hurt, but not everyone knows how much it might help. Additional vitamin A is best taken as non-toxic carotene, which is in vegetable juices mentioned earlier. A B-complex supplement provides a balance of all B-vitamins, ensuring safety. Vitamin C is also non-toxic, even in very large doses. In our overfed but undernourished culture, vegetable juice fasting and dietary supplements make sense to try. There is no medicine on the market as safe as these.

Vitamin D at doses of 5000IU to 6000IU or better enough sun exposure is a given. That alone will not affect this enough. Higher doses of vitamin D are a bit problematic - intake requires also more vitamin K2 via extra supplementation or plenty of green vegetables - if you juice, there is no problem.

Frankly that is just the usual orthomolecular program except for slightly higher doses of zinc and more recommended juicing than usual. I take all of this daily and more.

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