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Psoriasis - Living and Gaming

Psoriasis - Living and Gaming

Psoariasis is curable or reversible as it will likely resurface if you return to the old ways:

Diet change and some high-quality high-dosage orthomolecular supplements will do the trick.

Sometimes only supplements will be enough, while more often there is a more drastic step of diet change necessary - more plant-based, more raw, lots of juicing, detoxification.

You might want to check out this page first:

I've seen members of my family being healed of the condition, although conventional medicine states that it is almost incurable. I am not refusing allopathic medicine completely here, but I've had so much experience now especially with the highly scientific orthomolecular medicine, that I don't take it personally when MDs repeat the mantras they are being taught. Their knowledge is restricted and controlled for good reasons.

And you have nothing to lose, as good results can be achieved within weeks, the costs are limited and there are no side-effects. In the links you will find butt-loads of links to studies and books. Also on more of this and addresses of local practitioners which appear in growing numbers around the world despite earning less in such practices.

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