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When are the London riots coming to the States?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-25-2011 08:51 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

I love how Oldnemesis ignored your food for thought goodies. That pretty much lays this whole discussion to rest lol

Dash, official FBI statistics is food for though. Someone's ideas not supported by facts is not. But I know, it doesn't matter - you guys should be already giving each other high-fives.

Summary: as I said above, most gun owners are so boringly predictable - they just keep posting some propaganda without any supportive evidence, and when countered with valid arguments, they ignore it and just posted more propaganda. It isn't even funny that despite a lot of posts here nobody yet answered the question I asked in the first post: if guns prevent violent crime, how come TX with all those permissive gun laws has more violent crime than CA which more restrictive laws?

But hey, it is naive to expect an answer, I know. Hopefully you survive Korea, those violent criminals probably are waiting right at the airport to rob gun-stripped visitors.

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