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Regional Differences and the Failings of a 114k Millionaire:

Regional Differences and the Failings of a 114k Millionaire:

Everything you have spoken stinks of bad game.


I read the books and felt that the key to women are cars, nice pads, and flashy shit

You can't possibly be talking about game books, because I haven't seen a game book talking about that being the key to women. Sure it may help, but if you can't crawl you sure as hell aren't going to be able to run.

You also put off a vibe of blaming anything but yourself. Bad game is a result of you, not your location or your job. You aren't getting laid because of bad game, not because you aren't a club promoter or high stakes gambler.

Backpeddle. Look inwardly. Start working on your game.

Or stop trolling.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

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