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The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread

Reviving this thread as I am hoping I can receive some input on two issues that have been going on with my back.

1. I've been having a minor dull ache in my middle-right portion of my back. I feel it much more when I lean slightly forward and put my chin to my chest. I am worried it could be a kidney issue? It hasn't gotten worse nor has it felt better.

2. The second issue is the area that meets my left buttock and lower left back. This area has always been a problem spot for me. Once or twice a year I might do an incorrect lift in the gym and feel the pain in that area come on. I think it must be the shape of my spine or something? It doesn't hurt to touch, but it does in various postures and when I pull my lower back muscles inward. One morning it felt like someone stuck a knife there and my body just froze, and I ended up in bed for half the day.

Are these common issues? Would you happen to know any solutions to help deal with them?

[Image: 258113_stock_photo_human_being_back_athletic_mus.jpg]

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