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Behaviours that piss you off

Behaviours that piss you off

Something I took from the red pill is the idea of setting a standard for societal habits.

I've decided to create the following list of traits not to knock down people, but to identify behaviour that we can help uplift:

1. Overusing the words "like", "but", and "sorry".

2. Lack of eye contact when talking.

3. Dragging your feet when walking.

4. Dressing like a bag of shit -- especially with suits.

5. Taking photos of your food.

6. Using your mobile phone while being served.

7. Snapping your fingers/whistling to get someone's attention.

8. Nudging or bumping people out of the way.

9. Neglecting to thank people.

10. Talking to people with earphones on.

Over to you.

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