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Written consent required for sex on campus.

Written consent required for sex on campus.

Very good video, made things excruciatingly clear.

I agree with a commentor, "Karen Straughan". You may not like her, but, we have seen the numbers she commands. Bring this to her and see if she'll comment on it.

Other Ideas:

- warn all male students of university campuses to NOT get involved in sex because it could very well end up in a rape sentence. They should go off campus for their physical needs. The girls on campus will go fucking nuts. No sex will equate to not feeling loved, and when females get hits the fan in ways men cannot predict. "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

-then make the men and women who are suffering on campuses aware of whoever is sponsering and hiring Klein, like Mastercard, and make sure these advertisers hear about it. They will, from women. Women love to bitch via writing.

- Start up a buzz-phrase like "Ezra Klein owns your body"...because he is behind this, and woman DO NOT like anyone telling them what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

- Offer up alternate universities to students in nearby states, make it known that ANY man convicted of a 'rape' accusation by a California University gets a LOT of attention so that students considering dropping money on a Californian University consider other universities in other states.

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