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International skillset question ?

International skillset question ?

I'm going to graduate in 2016 with a BBA at 23 years old from a university of applied sciences. After i get a job in my country i plan to go for a cfa certification. In addition i have been recently trying to learn coding c++ it's not easy for me to learn this but i recognize the value of being able to code in various programming languages. I'm fluent in english and dutch conversational hindi and i probably could pick up german easily as it is close to dutch. I never paid much attention in spanish class at school but i need to learn to be fluent in it(i am in south-america afterall). I also plan to learn to speak and perhaps write mandarin(the chinese are taking over the world might aswell learn their language).

The reason i want to do all of this is because i want to have an skillset that's globally employable and that brings a decent amount of income in so i can enjoy my life but at the same time save enough money to retire in my mid 40's or early 50's.
Is what i'm planning to do a good idea or have i overlooked something or am i going about this wrong ?

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