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Feminist Amanda Hess doesn't know what to do with white knights

Feminist Amanda Hess doesn't know what to do with white knights

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:26 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

I went on a rant about this [not on the Forum] a few days ago.

I wish that George Carlin were alive today just so he could go on a rant to shut down Aziz for the despicable showing on Letterman. You could even see Letterman uncomfortably laughing at that bullshit.

This guy is supposed to be a stand-up comic? One of the top standup comics today? And he comes on a show and tries to get cheap applause for parroting the dictionary definition of feminism?

Quit your job man. You don't deserve to be called a stand-up comic. I mean we went to town on Emma Watson for reading from the dictionary, but she's not a standup. Stand-up is supposed to be the ultimate in masculinity and free speech when it comes to entertainment. What a load of shit - this is the top? Embarrassing.

What a fucking tosser Aziz turned out to be. A weasel wanker. He had some funny bits [though always had weird gay rights things he would twist to suit the agenda] and I respected him somewhat for not going to Russel Peters route of doing racial/Indian humor...but god damn man. Go suck on Amy Poehler's cock. In fact she is funnier than you.

Shit Aziz was uncomfortable himself as he was going on his little rant. He obviously doesn't believe what he was saying, which makes it even more pathetic.

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