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When are the London riots coming to the States?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

@oldnemesis, where do you come up with this paranoid gotcha crap? Yes, if a professional hitman is motivated to kill me he probably will, that's not the situation I'm carrying a gun
I work in LE and those ambush type murders you rave on about are rare and involve Drugs/Gangs. I don't do drugs, and I'm not in a Gang, moreover, I tend to avoid areas with much of either.
Please feel free to not own or carry a gun, if everyone did carry, criminals would have to get more brazen.
@Kona, I get what your saying. For instance if I get into a simple brawl with someone and then pull a gun, Shit just got "REAL". However,I'd never do that unless I was certain my life was in major danger.

You guys got to realize there's a new class of offender out there that IS packing, that DOESN'T give a fuck about human life OR jail time. A lot of these kids are nobody on the street, but inside their with their friends and taken care of and shot callers. ESPECIALLY if they did something BIG to get put in jail.

Our STG (gang) officers recently interviewed a bunch of gang members on video, and one story was very common. They'd grown up with gang members in their immediate or extended family, the got "jumped in" to the gang around 12 years old, and a fair number of them (in their mid 20s to 30s) said the young bloods coming up on the street are straight up CRAZY.

Real Talk.

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