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When are the London riots coming to the States?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quite possibly you'll all find out in New York on Sept 17th. That's when the US Day of Rage is planned.

Acccording to a statement by one of the groups attending:

"On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat our one simple demand until Barack Obama capitulates.

…there is a very real danger that if we naively put our cards on the table and rally around the “overthrow of capitalism” or some equally outworn utopian slogan, then our Tahrir moment will quickly fizzle into another inconsequential ultra-lefty spectacle soon forgotten. But if we have the cunning to come up with a deceptively simple Trojan Horse demand …"

we'll just see how peaceful that stays..

but really if/when we do have a huge London style riot it will start in California and La Raza will be involved.

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