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When are the London riots coming to the States?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-17-2011 06:26 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-17-2011 05:24 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Let me get this straight,
Under those scenarios im safer NOT having a gun?!?

Let me get it straight: those scenarios are less likely to happen, and you have a lower chance to end up dead if guns are restricted, and vast majority of the population has no access to them. It is not about yourself, it is about the society as a whole. Unfortunately this concept is something very difficult to understand for Americans.

Im less likely to end up dead without a gun for protection.... Sure

Esp considering the fact that if someone wanting to kill you they can easily obtain a gun, or any other deadly weapon.

Most murders are not random sir. They are targeted and usually envolve someone you knw. Hence if someone wants to kill you, stricter gun laws would not stop them. All they have to do is go down the street to the local drug dealer and buy an illegal firearm. Stop being soo naive.

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