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Does using textspeak hurt you?

Does using textspeak hurt you?

It seems to me that you'd be better off avoiding text speak than not.

If you use text speak, the girl will either not care, or think you're dumb/illiterate/low class. So you either gain nothing, or lose favor with a prospect.

If you use regular English, the girl will either not care, or appreciate the fact that you don't text like a 16 year-old girl (or her grandmother). So you either gain nothing, or gain a slight amount of favor. (I can't forsee any situations where a girl would prefer you use text speak and ding you for using standard English.)

Either way, there's not much to be gained through text speak. I'd make proper English my default option, although you can certainly use contractions and colloquialisms. No need to seem stuffy.

There are a few exceptions, though. For example, sending "K" or "K." as opposed to "okay" or "OK" sends the message that you're upset or disapproving. Responding to a chick with "k" is a great way to rev her hamster.

Similarly, "lol" can be a great response to a shit test. See Roissy's analysis here.

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