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Does using textspeak hurt you?

Does using textspeak hurt you?

First, she is a fucking nazi, the type who is all upity to her man and try to give him a lecture about electrical engineering because she read an article about it.

Second, bitches be judging, is she?

Third, what makes her think she can talk to a guy she doesnt know like she s your mother?

Fourth, why the hell do you need to explain yourself and qualify yourself to a bitch that you havent even met?

Fifth, dont ask lazy question.

Sixth, get out there approaching. Fuck online dating.

Otherwise I dont think text speak is a problem. People actually advocate it to show you dont care. You actually must not care. Most attraction is done in person anyway, dont worry too much about text speak.

That bitch is a pain in the ass though. She must have felt real good being able to lecture you and feel superior to a human being she doesnt know.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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